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Category: Our Blog

child support 0

The Hawaii 2014 Child Support Guidelines and Exceptional Circumstances warranting deviation from the Guidelines.

The Family Courts of Hawaii have adopted new 2014 Child Support Guidelines (“Guidelines”), effective February 15, 2015. The 2014 Guidelines are available here: The guidelines are revised every four years, so the next revision...

Blog With Michael Collins 0

New Foreclosure Law – HB2513

This bill is in front of the Governor to sign.  If signed, it will change the Hawaii foreclosure law with respect to attorney affirmations. The legislature already requires that an attorney representing a mortgage...

Blog With Michael Collins 0

Mortgage Debt Relief Act 2014

On December 16, 2014, Congress finally passed a bill that extends the Mortgage Debt Relief Act through 2014.  This is a great law for home owners and provides a tax exemption for debt relief...

Blog With Michael Collins 0

Operating Under the Influence

You can drink.  But if you do, please do not drive.  Even a first time conviction for operating under the influence of alcohol can carry hefty fines and potential jail time. If you do...

Blog With Michael Collins 0

After-hours Cain & Herren, ALC Emergency Contact

Cain & Herren, ALC, now has an after-hours phone number, which you can call to reach an attorney 24-7. Please continue to use our main phone number, 242-9350 for non-emergency situations or to schedule...