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larceny vs burglary 0

What Is the Difference Between Theft, Robbery and Burglary?

Although robbery, burglary, and theft are terms that are usually used interchangeably in everyday speech, there are some clear differences between them. Charges of robbery, theft, and burglary are frequently connected to stealing another...

Personal Crime 0

What Is Personal Crime?

Unfortunately, personal crime is a real danger that threatens individuals of all types – be it for physical, emotional or financial harm. Nobody is immune; therefore it’s essential for citizens, criminology students and anyone...

how to cope when a family member commits a rime 0

How to Cope When a Family Member Commits a Crime

Discovering that a family member has committed a crime can be a devastating and overwhelming experience. The emotions that follow such news are often a mix of shock, confusion, anger, and sadness. Coping with...

what is considered domestic violence 0

What Is Considered Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious issue in the United States, affecting millions of people each year. Also known as intimate partner violence (IPV), this type of abuse is defined as physical, sexual, or psychological...